Energy labels


Are you curious to see what energy labeling our buildings have received?

Here on this page, we have gathered all the overviews of the energy labeling of our properties. See the energy labeling for your property by clicking below.


Agerhusene >


Bastionen >

Carlsbakken >

Elsehus >

Fyrkanten >

Fælledkanten >

Fælledudsigten >


Green Hills (Fortunas have 2-34) >


Green Hills (Fotunas Have 3-37) >

Hesteskoen >

Lavetten >


Lerholmen >

Lynghaven >

Ofeliahaven >


Rubinhaven >

Skibbroen >


Strandby huse >


Strandby Høje (nord)>


Strandby Høje (syd)>

Stævnen >

Triumphbyen >

Triumphhusene > 

Øresund Park >

Østerfælled Torv >


Øresund park med solceller hos Balder

Good to know about energy labels

The energy labeling highlights the energy consumption of the properties and serves as a kind of product declaration. With the energy labeling report, you can get an overview of the energy-related conditions in Balder's properties and what factors affect them.