Halloween 2024 IS over
Thank you very much for your participation in the hunt, where three ghosts had disappeared from all our properties. You have been some good ghost hunters!
The lucky winners are:
- Green Hills: Nellie, Wilfred, Natasha
- Lerholmen: Liv, Isabella, Emmali
- Lynghaven: Rikke, Julie, Amanda
- Øresund Park: Emilie-Sofie, Maximillian, Vilhelm
- Østerfælled Torv: Diyan, Judith, Oana
- Carlsbakken: Peter, Elise, Louise
- Fyrkanten: Süeda, Victoria, Nichika
- Rubinhaven: Mette, Ulyana, David
- Hesteskoen: Willum, Karine, Daniel
- Triumph: Lærke, Signe, Dmytro
- Ofeliahaven: Anders, Sigrid, Caroline
- Agerhusene: Sarah, Camilla, Pernille
- Elsehus: James. Elisabeth, Tereza
- Fælledkanten: Gabor, Anita, Roshana
- Skibbroen: Andri, Iona
- Stævnen: Christina, Flemming, Dana
- Bastionen: Sofie, Antonia, Alessandra
- Lavetten: Chiara, Gabriela, Chana
- Fælledudsigten: Sara, Patricia, Maja
- Strandby Høje: Nadia, Ida
- Strandby Huse: Louise
Halloween 2024
BOO! Balder’s properties are haunted – can you help us chase away the ghosts?
Three confused ghosts have been set loose on each of Balder’s properties. They're darting around without direction and can't find their way home. We love new tenants, but these three need to be helped away before they create too spooky an atmosphere.
On a single day in week 44 (October 28th to November 1st), the ghosts will emerge from their hiding spots. You can participate in chasing them and sending them back home by collecting clues via Mit Balder app and BALDERS INSTAGRAM .
The three fastest ghost hunters at each property will win delicious prizes from Toms.
Wishing you a great ghost hunt from Balder!
Good to know before you go hunting
- The ghosts can be found from 3 PM around your property on the day the ghosts appear (see above)
- At 3.30PM we will share a clue on BALDERS INSTAGRAM story and in Mit Balder app
- It is awesome to settle for finding one of the three ghosts that are hiding on the property. That way, there are more ghost hunters who can be lucky.
Here's what to do if you're lucky enough to find a ghost
- Take the ghost with you
- Contact event@balder.dk as fast as possible and no later than 4th November 2024 at 1 PM.
- In the mail you’ll write:
The number, that’s labeled on the ghost
Your full name + address - Note: As soon as we have received your email, we will start packing your prize. We will get back to you on email when the package is sent. Please be patient. Several packages will not be sent until the activity is over in week 45, November 2024.
The activity is offered by Balder Danmark A/S, Vesterbrogade 1E, 1620 Copenhagen, Tel. 55 55 07 07
You can participate in the period from 28. October to 4. November 2024.
The winners will be published with first name and property name on this page shortly after.
The prize cannot be returned or exchanged for cash, and delivery is by agreement with the winners.
Anyone over the age of 18 living at one of Balder Danmark A/S properties has the opportunity to participate in the competition. Employees of Balder Danmark A/S and their household are not allowed to participate.