Meet Kvartalets Balder-nabo: Annette has been a pillar of the community for 17 years

Anette Kvartalsnabo

The recipient Annette lives at Østerfælled Torv on Østerbro in her cozy one-room apartment of 17 years.

On a rainy September day, the award for Kvartalets Balder-nabo was presented for the third time this year. The recipient lives at Østerfælled Torv on Østerbro in her cozy one-room apartment of 17 years.

Surrounded by books and green plants, Annette Petersen sits on her sofa: "I was surprised when I received the email saying I had been nominated and won. I'm happy for the recognition."

A warm smile and an open door

Among the nominations for Annette, it is said:

"Annette is a very welcoming neighbor. We had only lived in the building for a few days when she welcomed us with a flower."


"Annette always has time for a little chat when you meet her in the hallway or in the courtyard. She also makes sure, without being asked, to keep an extra eye on our apartment if we are on vacation."

To this Annette says: "That's just how I am and always have been. As a former pedagogue, it's natural for me to care about my neighbors and fellow residents' well-being and to lend a helping hand to those who need it."

Annette's good neighborly qualities have also led her to start both a knitting club and a dinner club. On scheduled days, she meets with several of the other residents in the courtyard over knitting, coffee, and good food.

When Balder holds joint events, Annette also happily supports them. She does this because it strengthens the neighborhood and relationships.

"And of course, it's cozy," she adds.

Coffee chats and conversations over the fence

From her living room, Annette has access to her own small garden. It means a lot to her, as she can sit there, read books and the daily newspapers while enjoying her coffee. From Annette's garden, there is also direct access to the courtyard's common areas. This means that passersby often greet her or stop to chat with Annette.

"Most people in the courtyard know that I often sit out here with my coffee and a good book. They just look over the fence and say hello. Many also come in for a chat if they have the time. I'm happy with my little piece of paradise and with our shared outdoor areas," says Annette, who is also a member of both the courtyard and garden associations.

Although the garden is a small oasis and means a lot to Annette, there are other reasons why the former pedagogue sees herself living in the apartment on Østerfælled for many years to come.

"My neighborly relations and the social community mean everything. If I move, I have to start all over again. It's many years of relationships and a life-giving community that I would have to say goodbye to. It's a difficult scenario," concludes Annette.

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In addition to the honor, Annette has received a gift basket filled with goodies, a Balder cup, a bouquet of flowers, and a diploma. Find more information about Kvartalets Balder-nabo, meet previous winners, and see the deadline for the next nomination round