Meet Kvartalets Balder-nabo: Camilla brings stairway 10 together for dinners and neighborly fun

Camilla Bjørnbo Konge

The award for Neighbor of the Quarter for the second quarter of 2024 goes to Camilla Bjørnbo Konge from Ofeliahaven in Helsingør. She contributes to a unique team spirit in the stairway.

In August 2022, Camilla Bjørnbo Konge moved with her husband, daughter, and cat into building 10 in Ofeliahaven, Helsingør. They were the very first to occupy the 108 sqm, four-room apartment with a balcony on the third floor to the left.

"The building was newly constructed when we moved in, so everyone in the stairway moved in at the same time. We were all very excited about our new homes and the neighborhood we were about to build. I quickly thought there was potential to create a strong community with the neighbors," says a happy Camilla, who received the Kvartalets Balder-nabo award for the second quarter of 2024 at the end of June.

Dinners in the orangery
Camilla receives the award for her great efforts in bringing the neighbors in the stairway together. She organized the first common dinner in the building's orangery at the beginning of 2023 and has repeated the success this year. Both times, the participating neighbors concluded a pleasant evening in Camilla and her husband Jannick's apartment, where they talked late into the night.

"From the very beginning, when we moved in August 2022, Camilla took the initiative to foster good neighborly relations that include everyone in our stairway. For example, she was the main person in organizing a get-together party with dinner. This resulted in many good, new relationships. She is always positive and helpful and takes time for a friendly chat. She is not just the neighbor of the quarter – she is always that," says one of the nominations from Camilla's neighbors.

Easter bunnies, Christmas elves, and everyday help
In addition to organizing dinners, Camilla also ensures that holidays such as Easter, Halloween, and Christmas are celebrated with decorations and activities for the children in the building. Chocolate Easter bunnies are placed in front of the building doors, and Santa Claus pays a visit at Christmas. Small gestures that make a huge difference, especially for the youngest residents.

Fortunately, Camilla receives good support from other initiative-taking neighbors in the stairway:

"The team spirit in our stairway is generally very strong, and we are good at taking care of each other and each other's children. If Santa has visited the first floor, he will definitely also visit the third. Additionally, we help each other with big and small tasks. It can be homework help, walking dogs, or practical chores," she says and gives a few good tips:

"I would really recommend others, especially if there are many new people in a stairway, to organize community-building activities. It requires, of course, that someone takes the lead and that there is support from the neighbors. But you have to start somewhere. It pays off so well to know your neighbors – especially if you one day urgently need help."

Inspired to plan Halloween for the entire property
The great recognition related to the Kvartalets Balder-nabo award means a lot to Camilla:

"It's really a pat on the back. I am so honored that my neighbors nominated me for the award and wrote such kind words. It definitely makes me want to continue arranging things and strengthening the friendly bond with my neighbors."

She concludes by saying that the next step could very well be to organize something for all the residents of the property.

"I am considering holding a Halloween event in/around the orangery later this year. Perhaps with some pumpkin carving, to which everyone in the property is invited. Maybe it can be the starting point for others to follow our example in stairway 10."

If, like Camilla, you have an idea for an event in your property, you can always apply for financial support from Balder via our so-called Balder Heart funds. Contact your customer manager for more information and help to promote the event in the Mit Balder app.

You can also read much more about the Kvartalets Balder-nabo award here, where you can also meet the previous quarter's winner. See also the deadline for the next nomination round.