Salto lock
Balder has made an active choice to switch to Salto locks in all apartments. Salto locks provide you a secure electronic lock you open using a key fob.
Every day 40,000,000 people use Salto keys when accessing their place of business, building, school, or home. Balder is thrilled to provide this modern and secure technology to its customers.
With the transition a series of questions may arise. You will find the most frequently asked questions below:
Frequently asked questions
Can I lock the Salto Neo lock with my mobile phone?
Are the Salto Neo lock as safe as usual keys?
Yes, it is. Maybe even more so, as a Salto Neo cylinder cannot be worked open, as a normal lock cylinder can be.
Can someone get access to my apartment if I lose a key fob?
Just as with a physical key, the person who finds your key fob would have to know where it belongs, in order to use it for anything. No information about your address is written on the key fob, nor in the chip inside of it.
If you discover that you lost a key fob, you can get it deactivated immediately by contacting Balder’s customer service at or by telephone at 55 55 07 07. This would not be an option with a physical key.
A lost key fob also means you wouldn’t need a complicated and expensive change of your lock system. You can just order a new key fob for DKK 150.
Who can produce key fobs for my apartment?
Only trusted employees from Balder can code new key fobs for your apartment. The work will be carried out in accordance with an internal procedure that ensures that no abuse can occur.
Can Balder get access to my apartment with a key fob?
It is not possible for Balder to access your apartment with a key fob outside of our internal procedure. The procedure requires i.a. a written power of attorney from you.
Only in particularly serious cases, such as if a water pipe has burst in your apartment and there is a danger to others or the property, can the procedure be overruled. This is not different from today, where in such cases, we are allowed to open doors through a locksmith or simply in extreme cases of emergency force the door open.
How does Balder relate to the stories some media have brought about security flaws in electronic locks?
We are aware of some stories that have been in the media about security flaws in electronic locks. We can assure you that the stories have dealt with a specific security flaw for a different locking system. The Salto Neo system does not give the possibility for that defect.
How long does the battery last in the Salto Neo lock system?
The Salto batteries have power for more than 100,000 openings, which corresponds to approximately 70 openings/closings every day for 4 years. At Balder, we change the batteries every 3 years just to be safe.
How can I know if the battery in the lock has power enough?
The Salto Neo lock will make a yellow light if the battery reaches a capacity under 30 %.
Who pays for the battery in the Salto Neo lock?
According to the Danish rent act, the maintenance of locks and keys is the tenant’s responsibility, but as part of our service, Balder has chosen to undertake both the cost and the work of changing the batteries in the Salto Neo lock on your door.
Do I have to be home for the change of battery in the Salto Neo lock?
We only need access to your apartment on the day, we install the Salto Neo lock on your door. After that, you will not need to be at home when we change the battery in your Salto Neo lock. The battery can be changed without unlocking the door.
What happens if the Salto Neo lock breaks?
If the Salto Neo lock unexpectedly should break, you must contact Balder’s Customer Service at or by telephone at 55 55 07 07, just as you would do if a physical key broke in the lock. Balder's security locksmith will be called to drill the lock if necessary and we will put a new Salto Neo cylinder on your door.
Can Balder keep an eye on when I come and go through the Salto Neo lock?
Your Salto Neo lock has a log which is deleted automatically after a limited number of days. This log can only be read by manually mounting additional equipment on the physical lock. Balder has no interest in doing that without your wish.
What does the Salto Neo lock system mean for my insurance?
Can I refuse the Salto Neo system?
The locking system is part of the property's installations. You can therefore not refuse the change, just as it is not allowed to change the lock yourself without agreement with Balder.