Acquisition: April 15, 2025
Large 2 bedroom apartment with balcony near Amager Fælled
Mthly. rent | Rooms | m² |
DKK 14,900 | 3 | 90 |
Get an overview of our modern apartments in Ørestad, read about the new, green and vibrant district, and get inspiration for your future home.
All our properties in Ørestad are built with an eye for quality, functionality, joy of life and not least community, which is expressed in every square meter.
We have 7 newly built properties in Ørestad, which contains 1–6-bedrooms. Most of our apartments have their own balcony or terrace, where spare time can be enjoyed. We strive to create the best community for all our properties which is reflected in luxurious courtyards, beautiful roof terraces and well-arranged common rooms.
Located in Vestamager, you will find Copenhagen’s new green district, Ørestad. The area extends from Amagerbro and along Kalvebod Fælled and out to about the centre of the island. Ørestad is listed as a modern counterpart to the historic district of inner Copenhagen. Among other things, the district is characterized by its ambitious local plan, which focuses on good infrastructure, high architectural quality, low environmental impact and its numerous green areas. One third of the area in Ørestad consists of parks or green spaces. Ørestad is located right next to Kalvebod Fælled, which is a part of Amager Nature Park. Welcome home to Ørestad!
At this area, one of the greatest qualities is probably Kalvebod Fælled, which is a preserved area and has the status of a national attraction. At Kalvebod Fælled you will find a unique landscape of nature with an abundant wildlife. Horses, cows, sheep and deer move around freely here. The area is also a true paradise for bird enthusiasts, as rare birds tend to pass by. You might even hear the nightingale sing if you’re out on an evening stroll.
There are several new facilities on the way in fælledens beautiful landscape. One of them is a beautiful watch tower. Soon you can experience the green treetops and flat marshland from a height of 15 metres. The tower is part of a larger project about creatting a new main entrance to fælleden at the end of Asger Jorns Allé - a short distance from Vestamager Metro station.
Whether you walk, bike, fish, ride or skate, Kalvebod Fælled has room for everyone. Also, our many campsites and nature playgrounds give you a good reason to go for a break along the way.
The opportunity to live in a capital and at the same time live in the middle of the nature, is a rare thing in Europe.
We build, develop, and manage properties at Balder. But we do not only create apartments – we create homes, because we know that a home is more than an apartment. It’s a sense of security, community and, not least, joy. You will get it all, in an apartment in Ørestad, where you also will be settled in a modern, desirable neighborhood, with institutions, shopping, culture, vibrant urban life, communal areas, beautiful nature and within reach for public transportation.
Permanent staff is attached to all our properties and is always ready to help our residents. So, you are never left with unexpected problems on your own.
Balder Danmark is a part of Balder group, which is founded in Sweden. Balder group is actually one of the largest real estate companies in Scandinavia.
Read more about us as a company here.
In this chapter, we want to tell you all about the amazing things that the different parts of the district have to offer. So, lean back and enjoy our guided tour around Ørestad.
Ørestad City is the central part of Ørestad and is located 5 km south of the center of Copenhagen and 4,5 km west of Copenhagen Airport. Ørestad Station gives you the possibility to travel by the metro, regional and intercity trains between Denmark and Sweden. Traveling to Copenhagen Central Station or Kastrup Airport is also something you can do in only seven minutes.
The 70,000 m2 urban park, is the heart of the district. The park contains small activity lakes which invites for play and relaxation for both children and adults. Located in the center of Ørestad City, you find Denmark’s largest shopping mall, Field’s, which contains a large number of shops, eateries and the largest cinema in Scandinavia.
The library of Ørestad is also worth mentioning. It’s a place which serves as a cultural hub with events, art exhibitions and leisure activities such as HackLab, which is for those who have a passion for electronics. If you on the other hand strive for physical activity, Ørestad Streethal is the place for you. It offers activity halls, multi-rooms, a boulder wall, ping pong tables and an outdoor fitness park. It’s a place for everyone!
The Simian exhibition site is a place you also find at Ørestad City. It’s located at Kay Fiskers Plads at Ørestad Station in a 1500 m2 bicycle basement.
The middle- and high school of Ørestad is also a part of the area. Ørestad middle school is a school with a virtual-aesthetic profile, which uses increased integration of IT into teaching. The high school of Ørestad is a modern school with a focus on digital teaching and media subjects. Ørestad City is also home to several large workplaces such as Ramboell, Ferring, Scandia, Novo Nordisk, Vestas, Nestlé and many others.
The enormous area of nature at Kalvebod Fælled, is the most characteristic thing about Ørestad South. You have miles of preserved nature right outside your doorstep and you live in a vibrant and urban environment with modern and breathtaking architecture as well. The settlement in Ørestad South is primarily residential areas with apartments, townhouses and things that belong to an active everyday life.
Within walking distance, you find Children’s House 8Tallet which is a unit who focuses on nature and the outdoors. If you are going out for dinner, Restaurant 8Tallet is a popular choice.
In Ørestad South, you have the opportunity to live in an apartment with an exclusive view from your own balcony towards Kalvebod Fælled. Fælledpromenaden is built along the city edge, stretching from Byfælleden in the Arena District to the lakes in south.
Asger Jorns Allé is going to be the main street in Ørestad South, and with the future culture and residents’ house it will be a pompously focal point at the neighborhood. It will be a gathering point for everyone in Ørestad and will contain a lot of different functions, for example, you can meet up with friends on the café, experience great concerts, hosting festive events or have the children looked after in the modern daycare center.
Located between Ørestad City and Ørestad South, you find the arena district, which is named after the newly constructed Royal Arena. The arena serves as a powerhouse for concerts and sporting events, which has created both local and international interest in the area.
Ørestad Ice Rink is right next to the Royal Arena, where you have the opportunity to rent skates, go for a game of ice hockey or take part in one of the monthly ice discos which contains disco music and a smoke machine.
Within walking or cycling distance you have a childcare and a school. You will for example find The School of Kalvebod Fælled which is a newly built primary school with a profile in sport and movement as well as the children’s institution LilleArena.
The School of the Arena District is a new and admirable school which will be neighbor of the Royal Arena. The school will be a common space for learning, sports and leisure, and will include a four-lane school, a swimming pool and a sports arena. The school is expected to be completed by 2023.
The North of Ørestad is Ørestads oldest district and moreover one of the most modern urban areas in Copenhagen. This is due to the experimental residentials and large institutions that bring together knowledge, media and communication technology. The IT University, The University of Copenhagen’s Søndre Campus, Nordea’s Danish headquarters, and DR Byen with the world-famous concert hall, is part of the district.
All these settlements are located within a radius of a few hundred meters and are all part of the vision to establish North Ørestad as a knowledge city.
Large green areas and residential buildings such as Tietgenkollegiet, Bikuben College, Boligslangen and the Park of Karen Blixen are also a part of the district.
Ørestad rummer efterhånden masser af spisesteder, byliv og kultur. Men meget mere er på tegnebrættet for den nye, grønne bydel.
Kulturattraktioner som DR Koncerthuset, Royal Arena, Ørestad Skøjtehal, Ørestad Streethal og Ørestad Bibliotek er allerede blevet identitetsmarkører for Ørestad. I Ørestad Syd finder du også et nyt udstillingssted for samtidskunst, som kaldes Simian. Udstillingsstedet har til huse i en 1500 m2 cykelkæder under den centralt beliggende Kay Fiskers Plads ved Ørestad Station.
Et spritnyt beboer- og kulturhus, Byens Hus, er under udvikling. Det bliver et storslået hus, som vil rumme mange forskellige funktioner. Her kan du for eksempel mødes med veninder på caféen, opleve bevægende koncerter, afholde festlige arrangementer eller få børnene passet i den moderne daginstitution
Også en ny og beundringsværdig skole skyder op som nabo til Royal Arena. Bygningen vil rumme en firesporet skole, en svømmehal og en idrætshal. Skolen, som forventes at stå færdigopført i 2023, bliver et fællesrum for læring, sport og fritid.
Du kan følge med i udviklingen af Ørestad lige her.
Man har i forbindelse med opførelsen af Ørestad haft fokus på at mindske miljøpåvirkningen, dette kommer til udtryk i en række integrerede, bæredygtige løsninger.
F.eks. binder adskillige kanaler og vandrum Ørestads bydele sammen. Foruden det rekreative frirum der skabes, fungerer kanalerne også som regnvandsopsamlere.
Derudover har man bygget infrastrukturen op for at tilgodese cyklister og fodgængere. Trafiksanerede veje og anlagte stisystemer skal nemlig gøre det lettere at komme trygt rundt uden bil. Med metrolinjen løbende langs hele området, er den nærmeste station aldrig langt væk. Og metroen er med til at begrænse trafikstøj og ikke mindst forurening.
Var du klar over, at Ørestad har spillet en stor rolle i Københavns positive udvikling? Læs med her og bliv klogere.
I slutningen af 1980’erne var der store problemer i København. Væksten var lav, arbejdsløsheden var høj og kommunens gæld stor. Der var ikke meget optimisme at hente i byen, og ikke mange havde lyst til at bosætte sig her.
Historien viser, at den negative situation i den grad blev vendt. Og Ørestad har spillet en hovedrolle i den positive udvikling.
I slutningen af 80’erne og begyndelsen af 90’erne blev der taget nogle vigtige politiske beslutninger om opførelsen af Øresundsbroen, metroen og Ørestad. Og de beslutninger dannede grundlag for den by, vi kender i dag samt satte den positive kurs for Københavns fremadrettede udvikling.
1 1995 blev en arkitektkonkurrence om Ørestads helhedsplan afsluttet. En ung finsk tegnestue, som i dag kaldes ARKKI, vandt konkurrencen. Tegnestuen foreslog at samle bebyggelsen i fire kvarterer, hvor der kunne bygges forholdsvist højt og tæt. Derved kunne man trække naturen ind mellem bygningerne og give plads til grønne områder. Helhedsplanen gav dermed Ørestad sin grønne profil, som er bygget op omkring vand og natur.
Netop adgangen til smukke naturområder, gennemtænkt infrastruktur, inspirerende byudvikling og nyskabende arkitektur skulle gøre det attraktivt for de kommende beboere og virksomheder at placere sig i Ørestad. Og det må man sige, at bydele er lykkedes med.